Exploring Dunaliella salina as single cell protein (SCP) : the influence of light/dark regime on the growth and protein synthesis
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Single cell protein (SCP), or originally named microbial protein, is the edible microbial biomass derived from e.g. microalgae, bacteria and fungi, which can be used as protein sources replacing conventional protein sources for animal feed or human food such as fishmeal and soybean (Anupama & Ravindra 2000). SCP presents great potential as protein supplement to alleviate the problem of food scarcity in the future (Nasseri et al. 2011). In general, microalgae as SCP contains above 50% protein over dry weight and specifically for the marine microalgae Dunaliella salina the amount stays around 57% (Becker 2007). Commercially the most common system for Dunaliella sp. production is the outdoor open pond, thus the microalgal cells are subjected to a natural light/dark cycle (Hosseini Tafreshi & Shariati 2009). Being photo-autotrophic microorganisms, the lack of light energy sources is a risk leading to night biomass loss (Ogbonna & Tanaka 1996). On the other hand, for some microalgae species cell division occurs primarily during the night suggesting its night protein synthesis (Cuhel et al. 1984). As a consequence, day and night metabolisms of microalgae introduced by light/dark cycles potentially will have big impacts on the biomass development, both in growth and biochemical composition. In this study, the effect of the light/dark cycle on the growth and protein synthesis of Dunaliella salina was explored in comparison with continuous light cultivation. |
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Source (journal)
Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences / Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen. - Gent, 2003, currens
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, p. 6-11
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