Colouring Atoms in 3 Dimensions (COLOURATOM).
Picometer metrology for light-element nanostructures: making every electron count (PICOMETRICS).
Dose-efficient fusion of imaging and analytical techniques in scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Three-dimensional atomic modelling of functional nanocrystalline structures from a single viewing direction.
Understanding nanocrystalline mechanical behaviour from structural investigations.
Study of the fundamental mechanisms of nano-plasticity in asdeposited and hydrided nanocrystalline Pd thin films using highthroughput nanostatistical in-situ nanomechanical TEM testing.
Compressed sensing enabling low dose imaging in transmission electron microscopy.
All optical, high resolution, non-invasive, quality control of crystalline GRMs via imaging of their non-linear optical properties (GRAPH-EYE)
Improving the performance of rock salt type cathodes for Li-ion batteries through control of the transition metal cation migration using redox reactions of the oxygen sublattice and Li-conductive coatings.
SOLARPAINT: Understanding the durability of light sensitive materials: transferring insights between solar cell physics and the chemistry of paintings.
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