European development policy : from aid effectiveness to global development - challenges at policy, institutional and political level
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This PhD thesis deals with the challenges ‘within’ and ‘of’ European development policy in the period of time between 2005 and 2015. In this time period, these challenges have moved from aid effectiveness concerns and inherent challenges within the EU development-policy system to questions of how to reform the policy area ‘beyond aid’ and how to integrate development policy into wider responses within the full array of EU external policies addressing global challenges. The findings of this thesis show that both internal as well as external factors have played a role explaining why the EU has moved from an emphasis on aid effectiveness to a focus on ‘beyond aid’ and global development challenges. Using political economy analysis this thesis has shown that internally, the EU collectively has not been capable of delivering on the commitments of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. The example of EU budget support (as the most prominent aid modality of the aid effectiveness agenda) revealed the influence of domestic politics in member states that have created disincentives for effective aid in favour of low-risk, short-term, and more visible forms of aid. Three chapters of this thesis have analysed the domestic political factors in Member States and the influence structures between Member States and the EU that have affected decision-making in EU development policy and that have led to the weak implementation of the Paris Declaration. However, the aid effectiveness agenda has not only lost in importance due to the EU’s internal incapability and domestic political impediments, but also through drastic global political and economic shifts that require both urgent responses along with more substantial reforms of the EU on institutional, policy and political levels. Two chapters of this thesis looked at global trends (mostly related to changing geographies of wealth, poverty and power) from different perspectives and analysed the implications for the EU, both as a donor and as a global actor. More specifically, the chapters analyse the EU’s cooperation with middle-income countries and the implications of global trends for the concept of EU political conditionality ‘beyond aid’. |
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University of Antwerp/Ghent University
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207 p.
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Molenaers, Nadia [Supervisor]
Orbie, Jan [Supervisor]
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Full text (open access)
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