Evolution of software product development in startup companies
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This position paper addresses the software engineering practices in startups. The focus of most software engineering research has been on established companies. However, startup technology companies have become important producers of innovative and software intensive products despite the fact that they are under severe time-to-market pressure. Given that software engineering is the core activity in said startups, inadequacies in such practices might be a substantial contributing factor to this pressure to keep up with the software industry competitive needs. Startups build non-traditional business architectures by taking the easy path to find a product-market fit and thus, accumulate large amounts of technical debt. We shed light on the major efforts in the domain and indicate the research directions we plan to explore further. |
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Source (journal)
CEUR workshop proceedings
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Source (book)
Proceedings of the 16th edition of BElgian-NEtherlands Software eVOLution Symposium, December 4 - 5, 2017, Antwerp, Belgium / Demeyer, Serge [edit.]; et al.
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, 3 p.
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Full text (open access)
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