The integration of interlinkages between nature and human health in primary health care : protocol for a scoping review
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Background: The majority of scientific publications on linkages between nature and health do not seem to focus on the role of the health care sector. Primary health care (PHC) is often the first point of contact people have with the health care system and provides comprehensive, accessible, community-based care that meets the health needs of individuals throughout their life. This scoping review aims to focus on the potential role of PHC in relation to nature health linkages. Objective: The objective of this protocol is to present a search strategy for a scoping review aimed at scientific publications on the use of knowledge about nature-health linkages in primary health care. Methods: The scoping review focuses on several recent international overview reports on nature health linkage knowledge and searches for scientific publications regarding the use of knowledge about nature-health linkages in primary health care. The literature search strategy builds on a review strategy on nature health linkages developed for a regional assessment of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which was further fine-tuned for this review. With respect to PHC a specific search strategy was added. At first, recent international overview reports on nature health linkage knowledge will be analysed for references to PHC. Secondly, search strings for nature, health and PHC will be combined to obtain a list of scientific publications through a systematic search of two electronic bibliographic databases: PubMed and Web of Science (WoS). The publications will be screened by two independent reviewers which will result in a list of relevant publications that meet eligibility and inclusion criteria. Finally, the manner in which attention is paid to PHC in the international overview reports and scientific publications will be analysed. Results: A first explorative search in PubMed and WoS resulted in a higher number of publications for PubMed than WoS, however PubMed related to a higher amount of irrelevant publications for the review. After a closer view it has been decided to restrict the search to Web of Science. Conclusions: This is to our knowledge the first study that seeks to relate existing knowledge on nature-health linkages to PHC. The scoping review is expected to lead to recommendations for scientific research and governmental institutions to enforce the implementation of nature-health linkages in PHC |
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Source (journal)
JMIR Research Protocols
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Jmir publications, inc
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, 9 p.
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