Nascent oxygen innovation in art conservation : cold atmospheric pressure plasma-generated monoatomic oxygen for the non-contact cleaning of works of art
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The climate crisis and unsustainable living increasingly threaten tangible cultural heritage around the world, including through the deposition of carbon-based contaminants from pollution, transport, fires, and vandalism. Many fragile porous art materials cannot tolerate “wet” or “dry” contact cleaning methods, which often use organic solvents and chemicals with adverse health and environmental impacts. A radically different approach to cleaning is the use of cold plasma-generated nascent (atomic) oxygen (AO) to remove contaminants in a non-contact, solvent-free process. The AO approach was pioneered by B. Banks and S. Miller at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its advancement was explored in this study in tests conducted at the Low Earth Orbit Facility at the European Space Agency. This novel atmospheric pressure AO technology for non-contact cleaning, as developed in the MOXY and PlasmArt projects, is discussed. |
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Source (book)
Working Towards a Sustainable Past. ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference Preprints, Valencia, 18–22 September 2023 / Bridgland, J. [edit.]
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International Council of Museums
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