L’interdisciplinarité en santé et activité physique : compte rendu de table ronde
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This contribution provides an account of the roundtable on interdisciplinarity in health and physical activity studies and interventions, which took place on June 1, 2017, on the day in memory of Denis Theunynck, Full Professor and Physician, University of Littoral Opal Coast and Anesthetist at the Hospital of Dunkirk, France. He died on April 4, 2015. The roundtable was attended by French, Italian and Belgian researchers from the fields of educational sciences, sociology, public health and physiology, sharing significant experience in interdisciplinary research and intervention in health, education and physical activity. The public was composed of students, researchers and professionals in the areas of public health and physical activity. The aim of the roundtable was to deepen the issue of dialogue and collaboration between different disciplines in the field of health and physical activity. After a first part concerning the main experiences of the participants in the field of interdisciplinarity, the round table focused on the factors limiting or favoring this typology of dialogue in research, teaching and intervention. On the basis of these elements, the last part, more pragmatic, was devoted to give some pieces of advice to young people starting a career in health and physical activity (research, intervention or teaching) in order to facilitate the implementation of the interdisciplinary dialogue. |
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Source (journal)
Ratio sociologica
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, p. 5-16
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