Is that a threat? How differences in stakeholder type and dimensionality of reputational threats matter for gaining influence in regulatory rulemaking
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This paper assesses what type of substantial concerns are most useful to what type of interest group in gaining influence during public consultations. Theoretically, the paper conceptualizes stakeholder comments as reputational threats from key audiences that the agency needs to respond to. Different types of threats are expected to carry different weights coming from different types of stakeholder. The analysis is based on a dataset of 75,116 consultation comments left by stakeholders in EASA rulemaking consultations. The findings indicate that it matters what interests pose what kind of threat in regulatory rulemaking. Certain group types become more influential while others lose out when making specific kinds of threats. This furthers our understanding of how stakeholder gain influence and what reputational threats are seen as credible and urgent by regulatory agencies. |
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Source (book)
ECPR Biannual Conference of the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, July, 2023, Antwerp, Belgium
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