Building a sustainable quality assurance system for university alliances : the YUFE approach
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The YUFE Alliance unites universities from ten European countries with diverse academic traditions and practices. These institutions share common values aligned with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and adhere to quality assurance (QA) systems based on the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). At its core, the YUFE QA system is guided by a set of principles that foster a culture of quality, trust, subsidiarity, shared ownership, and continuous improvement. Transparency, sharing best practices and stakeholder involvement are emphasised, ensuring a sustainable, lean, and efficient QA system. This paper aims to present the scheme of the YUFE QA system, including the challenges encountered in establishing a QA system for joint activities that harmonizes shared QA procedures while respecting the individual institutional QA approaches. The system will be presented through the development of QA procedures for joint YUFE minors. |
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Source (journal)
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Source (book)
2023 European Quality Assurance Forum : Internationalisation in a changing world: new trends and challenges for QA, 23-25 November, 2023, University of Aveiro, Portugal
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p. 1-11
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Full text (open access)
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