Plataforma digital de gestion del patrimonio cultural
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The 'Management Platform for the Cultural Heritage of eastern Cuba' was developed in collaboration among the Universidad de Oriente and the University of Antwerp with the support of the VlirUos Program. It shows the results of research carried out by professors from the Universidad de Oriente. In its content there are documents on the built heritage of the city of Santiago de Cuba, the documentary heritage of notarial documents from the five eastern provinces, the audiovisual heritage with documentaries produced in eastern Cuba from 1986 -2016, as well as other documents that support the heritage values of the Universidad de Oriente. Its development has a multidisciplinary approach, it is flexible and secure, it facilitates the relationship among content and cross-searches, it allows the management of geographic information. From all the stored information, statistical reports are created that support decision-making about preventive conservation and the valorization of cultural heritage. |
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