On dedicated anti-cybercrime mailboxes within financial institutions: characterization & evolution
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The world is currently living in the Information Age. Technological advances driving digitalization and digitization have been adopted by the larger part of society and have been progressively becoming the norm. This adoption process was further accelerated by the strings of lock-downs and quarantines, which pushed this technology from accepted to - in some cases - necessary. However, as with all new technology, there will be those that exploit it to enrich themselves illegally. The global annual costs caused by cybercrime have been on the rise for years, reaching over $ 6 trillion USD at the end of 2023. Institutions providing critical infrastructure therefore need to mitigate the risks of providing their services within this technological framework, both for themselves as well as for their clients. One such mitigation is the use of a dedicated anti-cybercrime mailbox: a single point of contact for both internal as external parties for all matters cybercrime related. This work considers the content of a such a dedicated anti-cybercrime mailbox (DACM) within a Belgian financial institution. Its aim is the prioritization of the service requests, both internal and external, that reach this mailbox in order to reduce the damages caused by illegitimate e-mails. This prioritization is based on predicted damage potential, for which we provide a model. This dissertation outlines a methodology to characterize and quantify the evolution of such a DACM. We conclude the DACM has a unique composition and can be clustered into distinct e-mail types for which a prioritization can be proposed based on their characteristics and content. |
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University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics
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226 p.
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Braet, J. [Supervisor]
Mees, W. [Supervisor]
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