A narrative perspective on peer-to-peer support websites for young people : effects of writing and reading personal narratives
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Peer-to-peer support websites, which young people can use to interact in an anonymous manner with peers about distressing events, have predominantly been studied from the perspective of the exchange of social support responses between users. From a narrative perspective, this dissertation proposes that writing and reading personal narratives on peer-to-peer support websites may affect young people’s emotional well-being and coping self-efficacy in relation to a stressful event regardless of the social support that users give or receive. We started from expressive writing theory and narrative persuasion theory to study how writing one’s own personal narrative and reading personal narratives of others on peer-to-peer support websites may help young people to feel better about and feel more confident in coping with a distressing event. This dissertation consists of 4 empirical chapters making use of online surveys, online experiments and content analysis. >From a narrative perspective, we conclude that the way young people write about their personal experiences and the content of personal narratives they read of others on peer-to-peer support can affect young people’s emotional coping self-efficacy and well-being, independent of the social support responses that are exchanged between users. The results of this dissertation, therefore, lead to theoretical and practical conclusions that may reinforce the positive effects and overcome the possible negative effects of writing and reading online personal narratives on peer-to-peer support websites. More detailed information on the application of this narrative perspective can be found in the empirical chapters. In the general discussion and conclusion of this dissertation we elaborate further upon the application of this narrative perspective and avenues for further research. |
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University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Communication Studies
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224 p.
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Poels, Karolien [Supervisor]
Vandebosch, Heidi [Supervisor]
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Full text (open access)
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