Comparing the neural basis of mixed-motive versus coordination games in people with different social preferences: an fMRI study
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We use fMRI to investigate the neurological correlates of two factors that are known to enhance cooperative strategies in social dilemmas: the provision of extrinsic cooperative incentives, and the intrinsic motivation to cooperate. The former is achieved by changing the pay-off matrix of a mixed motive game (e.g., a Prisoners Dilemma, PD) to a coordination game (CG). The latter is achieved by comparing people who differ along the personality trait Social Value Orientation. Previous studies have indicated that proself oriented individuals (hawks) adopt a competitive strategy in a PD but switch to a cooperative strategy in a CG, while prosocial individuals (doves) maintain high levels of cooperation across games. A major aim of this study is to examine if there are fundamental neurological differences between prosocials and proselfs that substantiate these different behavioral strategies. Our imaging data of a full brain analysis contrasting PD and CG confirm that the PD poses a conflict (increased ACC activation) and induces subjects to think about the possible consequences for self and others (more prefrontal cortex activity). More importantly, a region of interest analysis contrasting prosocials and proselfs suggests that proselfs strategies are driven by calculation and self-interest. Increased activation was found in the precuneus, DLPFC, the posterior STS, and caudate nucleus. Prosocials strategies reflect norm compliance, morality, and social interaction. Increased |
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Source (series)
Research paper/UA, Faculty of Applied Economics. - 2008:15
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UA, Faculty of Applied Economics
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31 p.
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Full text (open access)
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