Design and analysis of industrial strip-plot experiments
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The cost of experimentation can often be reduced by forgoing complete random- ization. A well-known design with restricted randomization is a split-plot design, which is commonly used in industry when some experimental factors are harder to change than others or when a two-stage production process is studied. Split-plot designs are also often used in robust product design to develop products that are insensitive to environmental or noise factors. Another, lesser known, type of experi- mental design plan that can be used in such situations is the strip-plot experimental design. Strip-plot designs are economically attractive in situations where the fac- tors are hard to change and the process under investigation consists of two distinct stages, and where it is possible to apply the second stage to groups of semi-finished products from the first stage. They have a correlation structure similar to row- column designs and can be seen as special cases of split-lot designs. In this paper, we show how optimal design of experiments allows for the creation of a broad range of strip-plot designs. |
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Source (series)
Research paper / University of Antwerp ; 2009:7
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Universiteit Antwerpen
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19 p.
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Full text (open access)
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